Kink-Aware and Poly-Friendly Counselling
About nine years ago, as I was just starting out as a Provisional Psychologist, I had someone email me looking for a counsellor who was poly-friendly. They'd had experiences in therapy where polyamory became the focus of the work, when that wasn't what they were seeking counselling for. It seemed obvious to me that this was a thing I should learn about, so I talked to a more knowledgeable colleague, read "Opening Up" and began seeing clients who identified as polyamorous. I didn't ever want to be that counsellor who would judge someone for their relationship orientation. Since then I've read "More Than Two", listened to some talks, and learned a ton from the clients who've shared their experiences with me. As a therapist I'm newer to the world of kink but seek to continue learning and growing. At the heart, I come from an open, curious place and accept the truths my clients share with me about themselves and their experiences.
I Won't
I Will
I Can
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