Nicole Perry
Writing about mental health from a feminist counselling perspective
In light of Alberta being in a declared state of public health emergency, I have made an update in my policies on seeing clients in person at this time. I am deeply confident that we all want to take care of each other at this time and in this spirit, I'm now moving to video as my preference for connecting with clients, with in-person appointments reserved only for those unable to find a private and secure space to connect from. I am also reserving a few spots for those actively engaged in EMDR, who desire to continue meeting in person. Please email me directly if you would like one of these spots to be reserved for you. I have been thoughtful in making this move. Given our current situation with COVID-19, I'm anticipating that this will be a long term solution rather than a short term fix. It looks like this will be our new normal for a few months at least.
I am happy to offer online sessions via Doxy, a confidential online telehealth platform. I often do online sessions for clients if a need arises, and believe I can confidently offer my support through these means. I recognize that this may feel like a daunting time for some of you. I appreciated your understanding of the importance of collective effort. There are a few things to keep in mind with any technology that I do want to remind everyone of: • It is important to be in a quiet, private space that is free of distractions (including cell phone or other devices) during the session. • It is important to use a secure internet connection rather than free/public WiFi. • You may want to use earbuds/headphones to help with privacy and reduce feedback noise. • Confidentiality still applies to online services, so no one is to record the session. • It can help to make sure you're prepared ahead of time as much as possible by making sure you have a power cord, testing out your camera and microphone etc. At the same time, technology isn't perfect. Therefore, a telephone backup may need to be used, which can result in a temporary disruption to the session and some reduced effectiveness in communication. The logistics: To connect at our scheduled meeting time, simply login to my “waiting room” (I'll send you the link), type in your name, and wait for me to begin the session. It’s helpful if you’re able to arrive there 5-10 minutes in advance of the session in order to make sure that your audio/visual is working. If you’re connecting via a laptop, you won’t need to download anything, though if you’re using a tablet or mobile, you may need to download an app. Backup Plan: If Doxy is down, I will send you a Zoom link in order to connect. Zoom is also free to use, but it does require a download, so you may want to do this in advance. If the case of all technology failure, I will call you. Please ensure that I have your current phone number on file. What Our Office is Doing - A Note from Transcend and Blossom In an effort to minimize the spread of COVID-19 we are taking extra precautions at the office by: • Disinfecting door knobs, chairs, desks, other touchable surfaces throughout the day in individual offices and common areas. • The building is also taking extra disinfecting measures throughout the day including placing hand sanitizer dispensers at points of entry to the main building. • Removing magazines / puzzle books from the waiting room. Until further notice please bring your own entertainment. • Reducing the availability of beverages and snacks in the waiting area, so as to discourage common contact points. To protect yourself and others, we encourage the following guidelines from Alberta Health Services: • Use good hygiene practices such as frequent and thorough hand washing • Cover coughs and sneezes • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands • Stay at home and away from others if you are feeling ill If you have symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath, please do not go to a health care facility. Instead, call Health Link 811 for assessment and testing. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require further information. Thank you.
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AuthorNicole Perry is a Registered Psychologist and writer with a private practice in Edmonton. Her approach is collaborative and feminist at its heart. She specializes in healing trauma, building shame resilience, and setting boundaries. About the Blog
This space will provide information, stories, and answers to big questions about some of my favorite topics - boundaries, burnout, trauma, self compassion, and shame resilience - all from a feminist counselling perspective. It's also a space I'm exploring and refining new ideas.
August 2024
Online Portal for Clients
Once we are working together, please use the Owl Practice Client Portal to